№11. My top-5 blogs

Here are my top-5 blogs

Good morning, dear reader, today I’d like to share with you the blogs of my group mates. They cover practically the same topics as I do. So if you are looking for an alternative opinion on some subjects this list will help you. 

1. Speaking English
A posh blog created by Maria Lomonos. A very nice interface: from colour selection to the design in general. It’s full of pictures which makes the text more readable.

2. EduGaming
Another beautiful blog created by Anastasia Domnich. Fascinating interface, I cannot but mention the background. It catches an eye immediately.

A lovely blog created by Julia Volkova. Simple, calm colors and intuitive interface are what make this blog unique.

4. To Learn or Not to Learn?
An awesome blog created by Daria Istratkova. The blog is full of pictures that make the general look of the blog attractive. Also I’m crazy about the name of the blog. A really nice allusion to Shakespeare.

A nice blog created by Olya Shevko. Charming design and fine interface make you fall in love with this blog.

So, this is it. Thank you for reading my blog. I had a great time sharing with you new information on learning English. Hope you liked it and will use these tips in your daily life. But don’t worry, I’m not saying goodbye. 

See ya!👻
